A week ago, there were hardly any leaves on some of our trees, much less blossoms. And now, seemingly overnight, the fruit trees are in full bloom!
As we undertake this new direction of starting a CSA, it has added a new element to our growing process--time. In years past, we just accepted that the gardens would grow at whatever rate the weather allowed, and weren't overly concerned that our crops weren't "ready" at a given time. We are eager to provide our members with the the most abundant shares possible, as soon as possible. Even though we know that the abundance will come, and will keep us crazy busy through the summer and fall, it's hard to wait. The blossoms on the trees give us such encouragement that we won't have to wait much longer.
On another note, we still have some CSA memberships available. The deadline for application is coming up quickly. Click here for more information about becoming a member, including two options for making payments. Be sure to email us at dannikgardensmt@gmail.com if you have any questions.